Our Details

10 am Sundays at
65 Owen Terrace
Wallaroo SA 5556

PoBox 340 Wallaroo SA 5556

Email; coppercoastbaptist@live.com

Mobile; 0432 017 025

Our Pastor: Rev Markus Schmid

Follow CCBaptist on Twitter

Monday, April 13, 2015


John 21:1-17

Peter didn't feel "good enough" to continue in his role as a "fisher of men" so he goes back to what he knows, fishing! Jesus reminds Peter of his calling and restores him to the role he was called to.

When Jesus restores Peter to his calling, Peter has the confidence to be the shepherd that Jesus knew he could be.

Have you ever felt you are not good enough for God?

Take heart from the story of Peter's restoration The resurrection of Jesus means that even though we are "NOT good enough" Jesus restores us to our primary calling to be fishers of men, because he is a God of restoration.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

He Is Risen!

On Friday, the last day of the week. Jesus completed his life's work of creation! His new Kingdom project was complete "IT IS FINISHED"!!

On Saturday (the Sabbath) he rested.

But on the first day of the week "Sunday" He rises to the new creation - the Kingdom he brought into being !

What will we do with our new world?

Have you gone through a "Saturday" a day of waiting for God to do something in your life?

Have hope because "Sunday" is here -  a new week, a new start and a new beginning!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Easter reflection

As we begin our journey through the passion week, I pray that you connect afresh with Jesus. We remember him through the passover meal and the meal that he left us with. We remember his death on a Roman cross and we celebrate his resurrection on Sunday.

It is right to renew our commitment to Jesus at this time of year and to repent of our own self directed lives when we reflect on his death . However we should also remember that Jesus died for restoration! Restoration of relationship with God but also restoration to ministry. The servant in Matthew 26:50-54 who's ear was cut off was disfigured and therefore unable to ever serve in the temple, Jesus not only healed him but restored his ministry. If Jesus does this for someone who wanted him dead how much more will he do for those who love him?

May you be richly blessed in your time of reflection in the next few days.
