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10 am Sundays at
65 Owen Terrace
Wallaroo SA 5556

PoBox 340 Wallaroo SA 5556

Email; coppercoastbaptist@live.com

Mobile; 0432 017 025

Our Pastor: Rev Markus Schmid

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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Week 4 monday luke 22-24

I have always wondered about Pilate why was he the bad guy? This passage shows that several times he refused to put jesus to death. In jesus christ superstar the musical one of my favorite songs is "Pilates dream" in it he sings about a dream he has:

"Then I saw thousands of millions
Crying for this man
And then I heard them mentioning my name
And leaving me the blame".

Pilate had a chance to do the right thing and he tried but he listened to the voices of the people instead.

Do we ever go against what we know is right because a crowd of voices tells us to? How about our politicians their job is to listen to the people? Sometimes doing the right thing is unpopular and it may cost us much ( our jobs , promotions, ministry, peace in our families) but Jesus didnt say "I have come to make you as comfortable as possible". Peter realises the danger of trying to make peace with the crowd and he denies Jesus 3 times, ( I bet he never did again). Pilate could have said NO and stuck to his guns then the death of Jesus could have been the responsibility of others. But he chose to please the crowd.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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