Today is the first day of a new year. A day when people tend to make resolutions that they struggle to keep. I don't have anything I want to quit or anything that if I am honest I could commit to doing for a whole year. So this year I resolve to do 1 thing! To be fair I am cheating because I do this one already but it is the only resolution I will keep!
I will listen to God!!!!!
That sounds simple doesn't it? Well ..... Yes and NO.
When we just add "God told me" to whatever we want to do then it is easy. If we truly choose to do what is asked of us it is tough - just ask Adam (he failed), Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Daniel, Jonah (he failed first but gave in and did it God's way), Moses ("go to Pharaoh? and say what?") And there are so many more examples.
So here is my resolution
I will quieten myself to hear His still small voice!
I will take time to discern where He is guiding me.
I will take time to discern what He wants me to do in ministry this year.
I will take time to ask for His leading in all the major aspects of my life.
I will seek confirmation of His leading from His word, from wise elders and from my family.
I will accept His choices for me and follow them no matter the cost.
Who is in?
Who will join me and make this a year of the unbroken resolution? Let us together seek God and do that which is hard, uncomfortable and right.
I'm in...2015 a good year to keep listening to what God has for me to do :-)