We have finally begun our journey towards the coming of Christ at Christmas. Advent is here.
If we look at the world through recent events we could believe the world is a very dark place. We have had major terrorist events in France, domestic terrorism in the US (shooting in the planned parenthood clinic) and tragic deaths in bushfires here in South Australia. We could live in fear or pray that Jesus comes again to take us away from all this darkness.
Or we can do what we were asked to do, by Jesus.
Matthew 5:14-16 NLTse
14 “You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. 15 No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father
Let your Good deeds shine in this dark world let victims of the events see that there is a God who loves them through our love for them.
We are the light that shines in the dark. We are the light that overcomes darkness.
Link to our 1st advent Sermon
Our Details
10 am Sundays at
PoBox 340 Wallaroo SA 5556
Email; coppercoastbaptist@live.com
Mobile; 0432 017 025
65 Owen Terrace
Wallaroo SA 5556
PoBox 340 Wallaroo SA 5556
Email; coppercoastbaptist@live.com
Mobile; 0432 017 025
Our Pastor: Rev Markus Schmid
Monday, November 30, 2015
Monday, November 9, 2015
An international experience of prayer and worship.
In the last month I have been on 10 flights (in 4 countries), 4 long distance trains, 2 international bus trips, 2 Christian conferences and preached in 3 different countries.
There is just so much to process about the whole experience. But I will try to pass on some of the things I have learned.
I am grateful for a home church that allowed me to be away for 1 month to work overseas in this way I have grown spiritually and emotionally in my time away!
I have been reminded that Churches are very similar all over the world. The faces may be different and some of the songs are new(many are the same) but in general the churches are full of people trying their best to follow Jesus and serve him in his Kingdom.
One of the highlights of the trip was the worship time at St Stephan's Cathedral in Vienna for the 24-7 conference (you can catch a glimpse of it HERE ). Over 4000 people from all over the world, from all the different Christian denominations, together worshipping one God with one voice. This proves to me that no matter our differences we can all be a part of the kingdom and we all have a unique part to play in the body of Christ.
Church buildings can become monuments to mankind's construction ability and end up as tourist attractions or they can be a house of Prayer and Worship! which one are we?
More on 24-7 and church unity HERE from Christianity today!
Watch the entire service HERE
There is just so much to process about the whole experience. But I will try to pass on some of the things I have learned.
I am grateful for a home church that allowed me to be away for 1 month to work overseas in this way I have grown spiritually and emotionally in my time away!
I have been reminded that Churches are very similar all over the world. The faces may be different and some of the songs are new(many are the same) but in general the churches are full of people trying their best to follow Jesus and serve him in his Kingdom.
One of the highlights of the trip was the worship time at St Stephan's Cathedral in Vienna for the 24-7 conference (you can catch a glimpse of it HERE ). Over 4000 people from all over the world, from all the different Christian denominations, together worshipping one God with one voice. This proves to me that no matter our differences we can all be a part of the kingdom and we all have a unique part to play in the body of Christ.
Church buildings can become monuments to mankind's construction ability and end up as tourist attractions or they can be a house of Prayer and Worship! which one are we?
Watch the entire service HERE
Thursday, October 1, 2015
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Our 24 hr prayer
Friday night several of our people prayed through the night in 1 hr shifts. This was inspired by the 24-7 prayer movement and even though we have not yet achieved the 7 day aspect, 24hr prayer has become part of our DNA at CCBC. We have different stations set up to help focus prayer on different things like prayer requests, prayer for missionaries, prayer for local issues, prayer for congregation. There is also music, candles, coffee anything that can help with the experience of prayer. Most people's first reaction to praying for 1 hr is "I wouldn't know how to pray so long" or" I couldn't stay up and pray late in the night". The opposite is true, most people actually say 1 hr is not enough. We now have people who book 3 hrs at a time and prefer the late night/ early morning shift and these are getting to be the most popular times in the prayer room.
Next time consider joining us in prayer we may be able to put together a whole weekend of unbroken prayer.

Next time consider joining us in prayer we may be able to put together a whole weekend of unbroken prayer.
Monday, July 27, 2015
Abraham's Sacrifice
Here is the link for the Sermon from Sunday the 19th of July presented by Viv Pearce.
Abraham's sacrifice
Abraham's sacrifice
Mrs Job
Here is the link to this week's Sermon By Kay Lawrie, "Mrs Job".
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Worship God with your whole life
Worship is all about reflecting the love God gives us, back to him. If we don't think we are too bad, than we don't need much love and then we don't need to show much love to others. We reflect the love we have been given. When we, like the prodigal son realise how far we have strayed, we know the enormous love God our Father has lavished on us. We then are so grateful that we reflect an enormous amount of love to others.
So by pointing out the sins of others, all we are saying is "I am pretty good and you are not!"
Worship is about how much grace we have recieved and how much we give back. One of my mother's favourite songs said it well:
freely freely you have recieved
freely freely give,
go in my name and because you believe
others will know that I live.
Here is the link to today's sermon on Worship God with your whole life
So by pointing out the sins of others, all we are saying is "I am pretty good and you are not!"
Worship is about how much grace we have recieved and how much we give back. One of my mother's favourite songs said it well:
freely freely you have recieved
freely freely give,
go in my name and because you believe
others will know that I live.
Here is the link to today's sermon on Worship God with your whole life
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Worship God with your Vocation
Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything you do. Try to please them all the time, not just when they are watching you. Serve them sincerely because of your reverent fear of the Lord. 23 Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. 24 Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are serving is Christ. 25 But if you do what is wrong, you will be paid back for the wrong you have done. For God has no favorites
(Colossians 3:22-25 NLTse)
In ALL we do, God calls us to work for him regardless of who our boss is or what our Job is. We can find ways of worshipping and glorifying him in all that we do.
Link to our sermon on this. Worship God with your vocation
(Colossians 3:22-25 NLTse)
In ALL we do, God calls us to work for him regardless of who our boss is or what our Job is. We can find ways of worshipping and glorifying him in all that we do.
Link to our sermon on this. Worship God with your vocation
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Worship God with you finances.
God doesn't ask for your money neither does he need it. God asks that we have a heart for him and what he would like us to do with our finances. Giving a 10% tithe is not the only aspect of worshipping God with our finances . How about the other 90%?
Link to Today's sermon on Worshipping God with our finances
Link to Today's sermon on Worshipping God with our finances
Sunday, June 7, 2015
What is worship?
Worship is not just the songs we sing on Sunday. It is our whole lives submitted to God. Over the month of June we will be looking at how all of our life; our finances our careers even our free time is worship to God.
1 Corinthians 10:31 NLTse
So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
Monday, June 1, 2015
Sermon Downloads
May is missions month was a great way to highlight the ministry of our overseas workers. Some people have asked "Why didn't we record these sermons?". Due to the sometimes sensitive nature of this work and the highly interactive content of the presentations we have not recorded any of the presentations. If you would like any more details on our overseas workers and their ministries please see Fran Pearce or Markus.
This month we will delve into the topic of "Worship", What is worship? When do we do worship? How do we do worship? Where do we worship?
These sermons will be recorded and added to our sermon downloads as hey are presented.
This month we will delve into the topic of "Worship", What is worship? When do we do worship? How do we do worship? Where do we worship?
These sermons will be recorded and added to our sermon downloads as hey are presented.
Biggest morning tea
This Saturday 6th of June 10:00 am we will be sharing in our "Biggest morning tea"at the Chapel 65 Owen terrace Wallaroo. Raising funds for Cancer research. There will be lots of yummy snacks and we will also have a magic show. Anyone is welcome to attend, please come along and support this worthy cause. Raffle tickets are still available see Bob for details.
************** UPDATE Money raised for cancer research $1170.00. **************
************** UPDATE Money raised for cancer research $1170.00. **************
Saturday, May 2, 2015
May Is Missions Month
Matthew 28:18-20 (New Living Translation (NLT) Study Bible, Bible Te)
18 Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth.19 Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.20 Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
Baptists all over Australia are celebrating May as a month of missions. But what does it mean to be on mission? Are we all on mission? Or is it just a few who are called to overseas work? We will be discussing these issues over the month of May and hearing from some of those who have been called to far away places to serve God and those who feel called to serve God next door.
God is the sending God who says "go make disciples". He sent Jesus to the world and Jesus likewise sends us. His mission is our mission so that makes it a "Co-mission".
This is a great article from Relevant Magazine on their take on Our mission.Disciples not Converts
Come along and play your part in the great Co-mission of God
18 Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth.19 Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.20 Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
Baptists all over Australia are celebrating May as a month of missions. But what does it mean to be on mission? Are we all on mission? Or is it just a few who are called to overseas work? We will be discussing these issues over the month of May and hearing from some of those who have been called to far away places to serve God and those who feel called to serve God next door.
God is the sending God who says "go make disciples". He sent Jesus to the world and Jesus likewise sends us. His mission is our mission so that makes it a "Co-mission".
This is a great article from Relevant Magazine on their take on Our mission.Disciples not Converts
Come along and play your part in the great Co-mission of God
Listen to This Week's Sermon here!
Monday, April 13, 2015
John 21:1-17
Peter didn't feel "good enough" to continue in his role as a "fisher of men" so he goes back to what he knows, fishing! Jesus reminds Peter of his calling and restores him to the role he was called to.
When Jesus restores Peter to his calling, Peter has the confidence to be the shepherd that Jesus knew he could be.
Have you ever felt you are not good enough for God?
Take heart from the story of Peter's restoration The resurrection of Jesus means that even though we are "NOT good enough" Jesus restores us to our primary calling to be fishers of men, because he is a God of restoration.
Peter didn't feel "good enough" to continue in his role as a "fisher of men" so he goes back to what he knows, fishing! Jesus reminds Peter of his calling and restores him to the role he was called to.
When Jesus restores Peter to his calling, Peter has the confidence to be the shepherd that Jesus knew he could be.
Have you ever felt you are not good enough for God?
Take heart from the story of Peter's restoration The resurrection of Jesus means that even though we are "NOT good enough" Jesus restores us to our primary calling to be fishers of men, because he is a God of restoration.
Sunday, April 5, 2015
He Is Risen!
On Friday, the last day of the week. Jesus completed his life's work of creation! His new Kingdom project was complete "IT IS FINISHED"!!
On Saturday (the Sabbath) he rested.
But on the first day of the week "Sunday" He rises to the new creation - the Kingdom he brought into being !
What will we do with our new world?
Have you gone through a "Saturday" a day of waiting for God to do something in your life?
Have hope because "Sunday" is here - a new week, a new start and a new beginning!
On Saturday (the Sabbath) he rested.
But on the first day of the week "Sunday" He rises to the new creation - the Kingdom he brought into being !
What will we do with our new world?
Have you gone through a "Saturday" a day of waiting for God to do something in your life?
Have hope because "Sunday" is here - a new week, a new start and a new beginning!
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Easter reflection
As we begin our journey through the passion week, I pray that you connect afresh with Jesus. We remember him through the passover meal and the meal that he left us with. We remember his death on a Roman cross and we celebrate his resurrection on Sunday.
It is right to renew our commitment to Jesus at this time of year and to repent of our own self directed lives when we reflect on his death . However we should also remember that Jesus died for restoration! Restoration of relationship with God but also restoration to ministry. The servant in Matthew 26:50-54 who's ear was cut off was disfigured and therefore unable to ever serve in the temple, Jesus not only healed him but restored his ministry. If Jesus does this for someone who wanted him dead how much more will he do for those who love him?
May you be richly blessed in your time of reflection in the next few days.
It is right to renew our commitment to Jesus at this time of year and to repent of our own self directed lives when we reflect on his death . However we should also remember that Jesus died for restoration! Restoration of relationship with God but also restoration to ministry. The servant in Matthew 26:50-54 who's ear was cut off was disfigured and therefore unable to ever serve in the temple, Jesus not only healed him but restored his ministry. If Jesus does this for someone who wanted him dead how much more will he do for those who love him?
May you be richly blessed in your time of reflection in the next few days.
Saturday, March 21, 2015
Good Friday
Please remember that on Good Friday we will be having our communion service at North Beach Wallaroo at 9.am. Click on the link to see a map. Bring a chair, ( if it is raining we will meet at our chapel) Easter Sunday we will be in the Chapel on Owen Terrace at 10 am as normal.
Friday, March 13, 2015
Our next 24hr prayer vigil is this evening starting Friday at 4 pm and finishing Saturday.
for all those involved please contact Markus if you have forgotten your time slot. If you haven't put your name down you can still participate by praying where you are.
Prayer is the fuel for our engine without it we stop! We cease to function for the kingdom and we begin to run on our own energy. That is never a healthy thing to do.
7 Don’t be impressed with your own wisdom.
Instead, fear the Lord and turn away from evil.
8 Then you will have healing for your body
and strength for your bones
(Proverbs 3:7-8 NLTse)
for all those involved please contact Markus if you have forgotten your time slot. If you haven't put your name down you can still participate by praying where you are.
Prayer is the fuel for our engine without it we stop! We cease to function for the kingdom and we begin to run on our own energy. That is never a healthy thing to do.
7 Don’t be impressed with your own wisdom.
Instead, fear the Lord and turn away from evil.
8 Then you will have healing for your body
and strength for your bones
(Proverbs 3:7-8 NLTse)
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Harvest Thanksgiving
Tomorrow is our yearly Harvest Thanksgiving Service. Whether you are a farmer, fisherman or neither is irrelevant because harvest thanksgiving is about relying on God's provision. Abraham had to rely on God for a son. He learned the hard way to trust that God will provide.
Genesis 22:7-8 NLTse
Isaac turned to Abraham and said, “Father?” “Yes, my son?” Abraham replied.
“We have the fire and the wood,” the boy said, “but where is the sheep for the burnt offering?”
8 “God will provide a sheep for the burnt offering, my son,” Abraham answered. And they both walked on together
One tough lesson that God has taught me over the years is that he will always provide for my needs.
Every time I begin to think "I don't know how I can afford to...." God says trust me!
ME "God I don't know if I can afford to quit my job and study full-time"
God "Trust me!"
Result: God is faithful and we have all we need.
Me "God I don't know if I can afford to work as an intern for no money"
God "Trust me!"
Result: God is faithful and we have all we need.
Me "God I don't know if I can afford to sell my new house and move to the country"
God "Trust me!"
Result: God is faithful and we have all we need.
Me "God I don't know how we can afford as a church to buy our own property"
God "Trust me"
Result: God is faithful and we have all we need.
It takes faith to trust in God's provision but the more we trust him, the more he comes through. The more he comes through for us the more we know we can trust him.
God's provision is hard because it requires faith from us.
If it does not require faith then is it God's provision?
Matthew 6:33 NLTse
Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
Genesis 22:7-8 NLTse
Isaac turned to Abraham and said, “Father?” “Yes, my son?” Abraham replied.
“We have the fire and the wood,” the boy said, “but where is the sheep for the burnt offering?”
8 “God will provide a sheep for the burnt offering, my son,” Abraham answered. And they both walked on together
One tough lesson that God has taught me over the years is that he will always provide for my needs.
Every time I begin to think "I don't know how I can afford to...." God says trust me!
ME "God I don't know if I can afford to quit my job and study full-time"
God "Trust me!"
Result: God is faithful and we have all we need.
Me "God I don't know if I can afford to work as an intern for no money"
God "Trust me!"
Result: God is faithful and we have all we need.
Me "God I don't know if I can afford to sell my new house and move to the country"
God "Trust me!"
Result: God is faithful and we have all we need.
Me "God I don't know how we can afford as a church to buy our own property"
God "Trust me"
Result: God is faithful and we have all we need.
It takes faith to trust in God's provision but the more we trust him, the more he comes through. The more he comes through for us the more we know we can trust him.
God's provision is hard because it requires faith from us.
If it does not require faith then is it God's provision?
Matthew 6:33 NLTse
Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
Monday, February 2, 2015
Opening Service
We the Copper Coast Baptist Church are a young church - we began as a congregation in 2007. However, the history of a church comes not just from the present group of people but all those who have gone before them to pave the way.
The first Baptist Church in the Copper Coast held its first service in January 1865 so this year we celebrate 150 years of a Baptist presence in the Copper Coast.
Last year was the 100th anniversary of this building and Graham Burgan, Pastor of the Kadina Church of Christ has kindly given us a gift to represent that event. The commemorative trowel which was presented by the builders “Chandlers and Co” to celebrate the laying of the foundation stone.
We as a church have come a long way since our early beginnings 8 years ago. We began by meeting in homes, other churches and school premises within the community. We have faced obstacles and difficulties but we have grown stronger as we rely on God and his direction and provision for us as his followers.
One year ago we as the Copper Coast Baptist Church had no indication that we would be here today. We had no savings and no assets (other than our people). We had a block of land that belonged to the Baptist Churches of South Australia through a legacy from Minlaton Baptist Church but we had no funds to build on it. God has certainly performed a miracle in 2014.
This building could not have come about for us had it not been for the legacy of the Minlaton, Peterborough and Jamestown Baptist Churches. Demographics may have shifted away from these towns but the legacy of these faithful congregations will live on in the work of the Copper Coast Baptist Church. The Baptist mission statement is “Together in Mission” and we are a testament to that statement.
We also wish to thank Baptist Financial Services and Greg Thomas for all his help in securing the finances to fit out the building. We are very grateful for their ministry support.
We now have a place to call home and to serve the community from. This building is our home base but it is only a building, it is a tool for serving God in the community and we look forward to all the new ways in which we will participate in the community in the Copper Coast.
Mayor Paul Thomas speaking at the opening service
Thursday, January 1, 2015
New Year 2015
Today is the first day of a new year. A day when people tend to make resolutions that they struggle to keep. I don't have anything I want to quit or anything that if I am honest I could commit to doing for a whole year. So this year I resolve to do 1 thing! To be fair I am cheating because I do this one already but it is the only resolution I will keep!
I will listen to God!!!!!
That sounds simple doesn't it? Well ..... Yes and NO.
When we just add "God told me" to whatever we want to do then it is easy. If we truly choose to do what is asked of us it is tough - just ask Adam (he failed), Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Daniel, Jonah (he failed first but gave in and did it God's way), Moses ("go to Pharaoh? and say what?") And there are so many more examples.
So here is my resolution
I will quieten myself to hear His still small voice!
I will take time to discern where He is guiding me.
I will take time to discern what He wants me to do in ministry this year.
I will take time to ask for His leading in all the major aspects of my life.
I will seek confirmation of His leading from His word, from wise elders and from my family.
I will accept His choices for me and follow them no matter the cost.
Who is in?
Who will join me and make this a year of the unbroken resolution? Let us together seek God and do that which is hard, uncomfortable and right.
I will listen to God!!!!!
That sounds simple doesn't it? Well ..... Yes and NO.
When we just add "God told me" to whatever we want to do then it is easy. If we truly choose to do what is asked of us it is tough - just ask Adam (he failed), Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Daniel, Jonah (he failed first but gave in and did it God's way), Moses ("go to Pharaoh? and say what?") And there are so many more examples.
So here is my resolution
I will quieten myself to hear His still small voice!
I will take time to discern where He is guiding me.
I will take time to discern what He wants me to do in ministry this year.
I will take time to ask for His leading in all the major aspects of my life.
I will seek confirmation of His leading from His word, from wise elders and from my family.
I will accept His choices for me and follow them no matter the cost.
Who is in?
Who will join me and make this a year of the unbroken resolution? Let us together seek God and do that which is hard, uncomfortable and right.
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